Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Going to Yellowstone, the long road trip

This summer, we went to Yellowstone National Park. It was a long journey over two days, crossing four states -- Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota and Montana to Wyoming.

While we were travelling, I was in the back seat of the car taking pictures of the scenery.

This picture was taken just outside Bismarck, ND. Doesn't the pink part look like there is a fire burning?

Doesn't this look like Pride Rock from the Lion King?

What do you think is deep, deep down in that forest?

Flowery lampposts in Main Street, Bozeman, MT. Aren't they pretty?

Almost looks like a volcano. Except there isn't one.

This picture was, once again, taken from a moving car.

Twin trees. Well, almost.
The next blog entry will be of my first day at Yellowstone National Park.